The patient journey application in hip and knee arthroplasty – Providing important information at the right time.

DOI: 10.36210/BerMedJ/epub0012023


  • Eberhard von Rottkay Helios Klinikum Bad Saarow
  • Viktor Wesselsky Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, Evangelisches Waldkrankenhaus
  • Ulrich Nöth Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, Evangelisches Waldkrankenhaus


Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of an information application (PatientJourney App®) designed for patients undergoing total hip and knee arthroplasty.Methods: Between November 2017 and January 2018 a total of 329 patients underwent primary total hip and knee arthroplasty. A survey was initiated to assess the practicality of the App. The quality of provided information, user satisfaction and the serviceability were documented pre- and post surgery by using an app survey and a questionnaire consisting of 10 items. Results: We recruited a total of 189 patients (48.2%) to take part in the survey of which 99 (52.4%) patients were in possession of a smartphone. Seventy-three (38.7%) survey participants used apps on their smartphone and 36 (19%) used our EndoApp to retrieve further information. Nineteen (26.0%) patients regularly used just one app daily. Twenty-three patients (31.5%) regularly used two or three apps while 22 (30,1%) patients used four to six apps a day. Just nine (12.3%) patients used more than seven apps daily. The apps mostly used were related to navigation, entertainment and gaming. Fifty-six (76,7%) smartphone users got in contact with and were informed about the EndoApp during their initial consultation. The In-App Evaluation showed that 33 users (91.7%) gained a better understanding of their treatment by using the EndoApp. Thirty-one (86.1%) felt generally better informed when using the app and all 36 (100%) patients would recommend the app. The app chapter mostly used pertained to recommend exercises at home (36 patients, 100%) followed by recommendations for the first three postoperative months (32 patients, 88.8%) patients. Sixty-three (49.3%) patients strongly agreed that the app is useful in addition to the information provides by the doctor. Fifty (38.8%) patients strongly agreed that the app provides enough information to be well prepared for surgery, and 67 (52.3%) patients strongly agreed the app provides comfort and trust as all relevant information are accessible anywhere and anytime. Sixty-eight (52.8%) patients strongly agreed on the push messages to be a useful reminder. The question of how information was provided was answered by 68 patients. Twenty-eight (77.1%) patients wanted a combination of print and digital information. Conclusion: In summary our short-term results show a strong increase of information dissemination and - as an effect - a high patient satisfaction and benefit mediated by the app.





16-01-2023 — aktualisiert am 01-11-2022


von Rottkay, E., Wesselsky, V., & Nöth, U. (2022). The patient journey application in hip and knee arthroplasty – Providing important information at the right time.: DOI: 10.36210/BerMedJ/epub0012023. Berlin Medical Journal, 4(1). Abgerufen von